1. 兩個行星要不同的方向
2. 行星是依序碰撞的,不會跳著碰撞
3. 小的行星會被撞毀,一樣大小的時候會兩個都撞毀
4. 後者往前看要撞擊的行星,如果被撞掉了,就再繼續往前比較
5. 當前者為負的,後者為正的,不會被撞掉
Asteroids collision conditions are:
1. They are in different directions.
2. Asteroids collide in order in the sequence.
3. The small one will explode. The same size will explode with each other.
4. back one collides front one, if the front is explode, the back one will collide continuously. Until all ahead asteroids explode.
5. When the front one is negative, and the back one is positive, they won’t collide.
with the mention above, I got those conditions:
current<top of the stack: current will collide. The current asteroids will not be kept.
current = top: current and top will collide. the top one will be removed from the stack.
current>top: collide continuously.